UK Spouse Visa

What is a Spouse Visa? UK Spouse Visa, also known as a UK marriage visa, requires UK citizens’ marital spouses to immigrate to the United Kingdom when they are married to someone who is ‘settled in the United Kingdom’ – i.e. a person who is normally resident in the United Kingdom and has no immigration limitations on how long they will live in the United Kingdom.

May I work on a visa with a Spouse?

Yeah, after the visa has been issued, you are free to work or study in the UK

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  • Which material types can you work with?
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Spouse Visa Requirements

  • You must meet the following conditions to apply for a UK spousal / marriage visa:
  • You and your partner must be at least 18 years of age.
  • You would have met to be lawfully married to each other – which is to discourage arranged marriages.
  • You must have the goal of staying permanently together.
  • Without demanding public benefits, you must have enough money to support yourself (and any dependents).
  • To be eligible to sponsor you, your sponsorship partner must make more than £ 18,600 a year or have enough savings. If they are still sponsoring dependent kids, the minimum financial criterion is larger.
  • For you, your partner and any dependents, you must have adequate accommodation.
  • You must meet the specifications of the English language.

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